As users, we are accustomed to using online medical consultations and digital health services but are they really responding to our needs?
Since the pandemic, this type of virtual consultation has been incorporated into our day-to-day life in many countries, largely replacing face-to-face health consultation.
At Lovexair, we’re aware of these developments. We believe that it is the right time to analyze whether these services are working in the most appropriate way for our main protagonists: patients, relatives and caregivers, doctors and other health professionals.
When we talk about people affected by a rare or chronic disease, with all the complexity that comes with their care and attention, it is critical that their experience with medical consultations online is as positive and useful as possible, both for them and their professional.
Both need a correct exchange of information to help them make the most appropriate decisions.

That’s why we encourage you to participate in this survey. Your information will give us the keys to develop a code of conduct and a report with recommendations to humanize teleconsultation, which we will send to all health service providers and each participant.
Knowing where we start, we will be able to improve the digital health environment and implement advances in our patient-family-patient support systems (HappyAir).
And you know… if you care about taking care,
help us and share!

We appreciate the collaboration of EHTEL and the entire network of organizations that has participated in the dissemination of this questionnaire.

Our personal thanks to Sofia Zanrosso, a young researcher who has joined forces with our research lines in respiratory health, aligning with our mission to involve new generations in the search for a better quality of life for people.